A brand new website and new drawing programs are coming in November!

This fall we will launch our complete drawing programs.

The programs will guide you through learning the head and figure drawing process and provide a structured learning experience needed to see significant skill improvments.

Be sure to stay subscribed to our emails in order to get updates.

Study With Us

Test (Do Not Buy) Learn More

dates: 12 / 20 / 2024 - 01 / 17 / 2025

This is a test. Do not purchase this mentorship session.


Choose your level of participation.


$250 per class

  • One weekly demo video
  • Reference photos and/or instructional handouts
  • View the weekly critique video
  • Submit drawings for weekly critique video
    Video includes all of the critiques for the entire class. Will be anywhere from 2-5 hours long depending on how many students are in the class.
  • Include questions to be answered in the weekly critique.


$65 per class

  • One weekly demo video
  • Reference photos and/or instructional handouts
  • View the weekly critique video
    Your drawings will NOT be featured in the critiques.

Classes are 5 weeks long.
Price includes all 5 weeks.
Students will have access to all class content for 2 weeks following the last day of the session.

Register Today!

Student Work Submission Deadline:

Each week Gold level students must upload their drawings within 5 days of the demo being released to be included in the critique video. For example, if a demo is released on 4/19 at 12am PT then the submission deadline is 4/23 at 11:59pm PT.

Demo and Critique Upload Schedule:

Demo and critique videos are pre-recorded. Each week, a new demo video will be uploaded at 12am PT on the day of the class. The critique video will typically be uploaded within 1-3 days of the next week's class. There is no official release time for critique videos as the amount of time they take to create varies depending on the class size and subject matter.
For example, for a Head Drawing class which starts on Wednesday 1/18, the demo for week 1 will be released at 12am PT on 1/18. The critique video corresponding to this demo will be released around  1/26-1/28. 

Class Content Access:

All class content will be available from the original release date until 2 weeks after the last day of the class. This allows students to re-watch any videos they wish to spend more time studying or to catch up if they had to miss a week or two.

Refund Policy:

Foundation Art School will not refund a purchase of a Drawing Class after the first day the class starts. If you purchased a Foundation Art School Drawing Class and you would like a refund before the class starts, please contact:


Exceptions may be made in Foundation Art School's discretion.

class schedule


What Our Students Say

[B]y applying Brian’s methodology... I could see a drastic improvement in my art.

Romain D.


If you ever decide to take a class with Brian, you are in good hands.

Faith Q.

New York, USA

Brian is just so good at breaking down the complexity of the human form into easy understandable concepts.

Christopher G.

Jena, Germany